Welcome to our EuroMillions Ireland Only Raffle Number checker. With this handy tool, you can instantly find out if your raffle number has been a winner. Our checker automatically verifies your code against the results of all draws from the last 3 months. This is the period established by the organization for claiming prizes. Be sure to check your Raffle number now so you don’t miss your chance to claim your prize.
This results checker is an independent tool from ie.LottoCracked.com and is not affiliated with, sponsored, approved, or endorsed by any official lottery authority, operator or promoter.

Enter your Raffle Number
Format accepted: I-RXX-01234

If you have won the EuroMillions Raffle, congratulations! Now, let’s ensure you receive your reward smoothly by understanding the rules and procedures for claiming your prize. This process varies depending on whether you purchased your ticket online or from an authorised retailer.